It's alive! The
Honolulu Advertiser's new website,, is out of the laboratory today and walking about in the Internet world. The new site ( provides a great opportunity for Hawaii's readers and writers to interact.
In addition to news from local publishers, reviews, and an events calendar, the site has four writer's blogs, including mine, "A Little Romance." I will be posting on romance fiction every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I see this as a great opportunity to promote Hawaii's literature and Hawaii's writers, to explore the always intriguing world of romance fiction, and to interact with readers by way of the site's comments and discussion features.
My topics this week are "Anticipation" and, on Friday, "How much romance can you handle?" (featuring responses to that question from some members of the Aloha Chapter, Romance Writers of America).
In the coming weeks I plan to write on a wide range of topics, including:
1. Romantic vampires (is it socially acceptable to bite and drink on the first date? ... with a guide to the Twilight series from Cami Nihipali ... thank you, Cami!).
2. Romance in tough times (why does romance sell even more in hard economic times?)
3. Earning the happy ending (why do lovers have to go through hell to get to heaven?)
4. Read the book, see the movie (a look at a few classics: Gone With the Wind, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice)
5. Feeding the Romance (What makes a good romantic dinner? Do romantic characters stop to eat?)
6. Designing Woman (an interview with Stephanie Chang on book design)
7. Local romance in Lee Cataluna's Folks You Meet in Longs
8. Romance with an edge: The Breakup Queen
9. Judging romance by its covers (a visit to the the romance shelves at Bestsellers in downtown Honolulu)
This is just a taste. I invite your suggestions and urge your participation! Please leave comments on the blog and join in the discussions, and please start spreading the news to your friends. Check out the book events calendar. If you have something to add to the calendar please let me know.
Mahalo to the Honolulu Advertiser and the Hawaii Book Publishers Association for bringing this new creature to life!